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Verdicts and Settlements Submission Form

Add Record
Please submit your verdicts and settlements for our database and possible future publication in Missouri Lawyers Weekly. All submissions are subject to verification, further reporting and editing before publishing. Please read our guidelines below before filling out the required information. Questions about verdicts and settlements should be directed to Jordan Yount at jyount@molawyersmedia.com or 573-397-3660.
Case Detail
Total Value $
Required. Use numerical values with two decimals places.
For example, $100,000 would be entered: 100,000.00 or 100000.00.
Breakdown and
distribution of
Total Value,
if needed

Maximum of 1000 characters
Allocation of Fault
Maximum of 1000 characters
Verdict/Settlement Date Required, mm/dd/yyyy
Type of Action
To select or deselect one or more Types of Action, hold Ctrl and click your selections.
To provide additional detail, enter a description below.
If 'Other' Type of Action is selected, a description is required:
Type of Action
if needed

Maximum of 1000 characters
If 'Other' Court is selected, a description, state and State/Fed. indicator are required:

State:    State/Federal Court:
Case Number
If case never filed, please enter 'Not Filed.'
Otherwise, Case Number is required.
Check box if settlement case number is confidential and
leave case number field blank.
Caption Please enter each plaintiff and defendant in a separate box,
in the order they appear in the caption.

At least one plaintiff and defendant are required. If a confidential
settlement, please check the "Plaintiff is confidential" and
"Defendant is confidential" boxes below leaving the Plaintiff(s) and
Defendant(s) boxes blank.
Plaintiff(s) v. Defendant(s)

Plaintiff is confidential

Defendant is confidential
Injuries Alleged
To select or deselect one or more Injuries Alleged, hold Ctrl and click your selections.
If Injuries Alleged is 'Other', enter required description here:
Injuries Detail
Maximum of 1000 characters
Special Damages
Maximum of 1000 characters
Pretrial Demand
First Demand $
First Demand Detail
Maximum of 1000 characters
Last Demand $
Last Demand Detail
Maximum of 1000 characters
Pretrial Offer
First Offer $
First Offer Detail
Maximum of 1000 characters
Last Offer $
Last Offer Detail
Maximum of 1000 characters
Tried Before
Person Presiding
If the person presiding is not included in the drop-down menu,
select 'Other' and enter required name here:
Attorney(s) for
Lead Attorney
(Lead Attorney first and last names are required)
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Name Suffix

Attorney(s) for
Lead Attorney
(Lead Attorney first and last names are required.)

If pro se plaintiff or if no defense attorney was
involved in the case, please enter 'None' in the
First and Last Name fields below.
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Name Suffix

Party Name

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Name Suffix
If Specialty is 'Other', enter required description here:
Non U.S. State/

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Name Suffix
If Specialty is 'Other', enter required description here:
Non U.S. State/

Case Summary
Description of Case
Please describe the case, evidence presented, arguments made
and/or other useful information.
Maximum of 8000 characters
Submitted By Required
Submitter Phone
Submitter Fax
Submitter Email Required
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Missouri Lawyers Weekly publishes "Verdict & Settlement Reports" to assist lawyers in judging the value of cases and to research names of cases, lawyers and experts.

Some reports are based on information provided by a lawyer in the case, and others are based on court records and the newspaper's reporting. Once an attorney submits a report, it becomes the property of Missouri Lawyers Media and may not be rescinded. The newspaper uses the submission to inform the article, but reporters will contact opposing counsel, review court filings and otherwise further report on the case. Cases tried in open court may not contain confidential information. If an attorney wishes to submit a confidential settlement, he or she should verify the information being disclosed with opposing counsel before submitting the report.

To be published, a report must:
  • Include the name of the case, the court name and docket number.
  • Include the date of the verdict or settlement, the name of the judge, the amount of the verdict or settlement, and, if it is a defense verdict, the plaintiff's last pretrial demand. This information cannot be withheld from publication.
  • Include the names of the lawyers for all of the parties. Names of lawyers from both sides will be published.
  • Provide a description of the case that contains facts of the case, interesting arguments made, novel legal approaches, etc.
  • List contact information of the lawyer submitting the report and the opposing counsel.
  • If parties agreed to a confidential settlement, Missouri Lawyers Weekly may, in appropriate cases, withhold the names of the parties from the published version - but the information must be provided to us initially so we can be sure that such a case did exist. If the parties' names are to be withheld as part of a confidential settlement, we will need to have the dollar amount of the settlement for publication.
  • Have a connection to Missouri. Priority is given to cases tried or settled in Missouri state or federal courts. Failing that, a Missouri-based attorney must have been involved on either the plaintiff or defense side to qualify for publication.

Verdicts and Settlements Database